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iAd Contract Expired? Not so, says iTunesConnect. iAd Module thinks otherwise

I recently updated my Developer membership. My new contract went into effect May 19th. Last week I went in and browsed my iAd earnings, and noticed that all of my iAd apps are "Red" and not receiving ads. After expanding the details to find out why, the iAd module tells me that my iAd contract has expired. However, the Contracts, Banking and Tax module reports that everything is OK, and my iAd contract will be in effect until May 19, 2013.

Incidentally, my last day of revenue was May 19th of this year.

I called Apple Support, have had a follow up phone call where it was requested I submit screenshots, but I haven't heard anything back. Has anyone else experienced this?

iAdContract page

iAd Revenue Page


  • So the solution to this problem is, as experienced by myself and Justin:

    • call (not write to) the iOS Developer Program Support (not the technical support: that's useless). You will find the number here:

    • no waiting time. They reply right away

    • explain the problem keeping in mind that the people at Dev Program Support do not have iTunesConnect: they only can see that your contract is OK

    • they will send you an email in which they ask for screenshots

    • send them screenshots and a detailed description of the problem

    • in 3/4 days, you will receive an email saying your problem has been transferred to a Senior Consultant

    • in 10 days, you will receive an email saying your problem's being solved

    • in 14 days (my case), your problem will be solved and ads will restart coming.