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Marshalling CodeElements to an IntPtr in C#

I am writing a Visual Studio add in and need to marshall a managed CodeElements object to it's unmananged form. I just need the pointer in memory, as I can cast it and treat it like a CodeElement on the unmanaged side.

    private static extern BSTR* CodeMethodsToString(void* functionObject);

    public static void CodeMethodsToXML(XmlElement parent, CodeElements elements)
        //Call CodeMethodsToString: how do I marshall CodeElements to an IntPtr?
        //set XmlElement in here

I know how to deal with the XML, and I have a working version of this in C#. I created the unmanaged DLL because calling all of the various member variables at the lowest level of recursion was killing the speed of the program. I simply need to know how to use System.Runtime.Interop.Marshal to convert the CodeElements object to a pointer to the COM object in memory.



  • Looks like Jonathan was close. This is how I'd do it:

    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]
    private static extern string CodeMethodsToString(IntPtr functionObject);
    public static void CodeMethodsToXML(XmlElement parent, CodeElements elements)
       GCHandle pin;
          pin = GcHandle.Alloc(elements, GCHandleType.Pinned);
          string methods = CodeMethodsToString(pin.AddrOfPinnedObject());