im using system.drawing in order to generate a thumbnail after the image finish uploading using this code:
//programmImages -- the id of the fileupload control
string path = "~/User/" + "progimgs/" + programmImages.FileName;
string thumbPath = "~/User/" + "thums/" + programmImages.FileName;
//generating the tumbnails
System.Drawing.Image thum = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(path));
System.Drawing.Image createTumb =
thum.GetThumbnailImage(250, 140, ()=>false, IntPtr.Zero);
createTumb.Save(thumbPath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
im getting this erro "A generic error occurred in GDI+"
on this line "createTumb.Save(thumbPath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);"
what is the problem, thanks.
as Aristos pointed out i was missing the server.mappath from the thumbPath.