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Passing String with Notification and then pass to class

I have a question I work for an ipad application, in this app on main view I have an instance of a custom uitableviewcontroller, on row click I post a notification that pass an object and run a method

- (void) drawWebView:(id) sender {

    NSDictionary *dict = [[sender userInfo] copy];
    self.objTesto = [dict objectForKey:@"Testo"];
    self.txtWeb = self.objTesto.testo;

    //[self setWebView:self.txtWeb];
    [self.textWebView loadRequest:[self creaFileHTML:text]];

while I set the load request on the webview of my class all work, If I creat a subclass of uiwebview with a method setWebView: whit a simple NSLog()

[self setWebView:self.txtWeb];
//[self.textWebView loadRequest:[self creaFileHTML:text]];

I get this error:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFString userInfo]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xee3a1e0'


  • the problem was that I init the wrong class (I have two similar class) - stupid error -.- excuse me!