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Segmenting a grayscale image

I am having trouble achieving the correct segmentation of a grayscale image:

Image to be segmented

The ground truth, i.e. what I would like the segmentation to look like, is this:

Ground truth

I am most interested in the three components within the circle. Thus, as you can see, I would like to segment the top image into three components: two semi-circles, and a rectangle between them.

I have tried various combinations of dilation, erosion, and reconstruction, as well as various clustering algorithms, including k-means, isodata, and mixture of gaussians--all with varying degrees of success.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Edit: here is the best result I've been able to obtain. This was obtained using an active contour to segment the circular ROI, and then applying isodata clustering:


There are two problems with this:

  • The white halo around the bottom-right cluster, belonging to the top-left cluster
  • The gray halo around both the top-right and bottom-left cluster, belonging to the center cluster.


  • Here's a starter... use circular Hough transform to find the circular part. For that I initially threshold the image locally.

     imbw = thresholdLocally(im,[2 2]); % thresold localy with a 2x2 window
     % preparing to find the circle
     props = regionprops(imbw,'Area','PixelIdxList','MajorAxisLength','MinorAxisLength');
     [~,indexOfMax] = max([props.Area]);
     approximateRadius =  props(indexOfMax).MajorAxisLength/2;
     %find the circle using Hough trans.
     h = circle_hough(edge(imbw), radius,'same');
     [~,maxIndex] = max(h(:));
     [i,j,k] = ind2sub(size(h), maxIndex);
     center.x = j;     center.y = i;
     figure;imagesc(im);imellipse(gca,[center.x-radius  center.y-radius 2*radius 2*radius]);
     title('Finding the circle using Hough Trans.');

    enter image description here

    select only what's inside the circle:

     [y,x] = meshgrid(1:size(im,2),1:size(im,1));
     z = (x-j).^2+(y-i).^2;
     f = (z<=radius^2);


    look for a place to start threshold the image to segment it by looking at the histogram, finding it's first local maxima, and iterating from there until 2 separate segments are found, using bwlabel:

      [pks,locs] = findpeaks(p);
      while numel(unique(bw))<3

    enter image description here

    The middle part can now be obtained by taking out the two labeled parts from the circle, and what is left will be the middle part (+some of the halo)


    but after some median filtering we get something more reasonble

     bw2= medfilt2(medfilt2(bw2));

    and together we get:


    enter image description here

    The last part is a real "quick and dirty", I'm sure that with the tools you already used you'll get better results...