I am writing a code in VB6 to save and retrieve an image in .dbf file, but i don't know what field type to take in dbf file. Can anyone suggest what field should i take in dbf file and what code should i write in VB6 ?? Thanks in advance..
I have done it in Memo Fields long ago. The code is in foxpro. See:
CREATE TABLE Abc.dbf Free (Filename c(50), Store M(4)) &&Create a table with FileName character field
*And Store as memo field
Append blank &&to add a blank record
APPEND MEMO store from "D:\Shah.Jpg" overwrite
*This will copy the contents of the file. If Overwrite is ignored, and the memo has some contents,
*The contents of the file will be appended to it, which should be avoided.
REPLACE filename WITH "Shah.Jpg"
*Add as many files as you wish to other records.
Copy memo Store to "SomePhoto.jpg" && will copy to the default folder
Copy memo store to "c:\MyPhotos\Shah.JPG" &&You must save or know the extension of the file
append blank
REPLACE store WITH filedata
It should solve your problem.