I like to have a pattern for switching a feature, which at my case is Undo / Redo. I don't want a pattern for Undo/Redo. This is working fine. But a good way to skip the lines of code, that Undo / Redo requires. Example using undo:
AddItemToList(object item)
Memento m = new Memento(..) // create application state object
m.AddState("item added", item); // store state change
m_Caretaker.Add(m); // store state object
example without undo:
AddItemToList(object item)
I like to have a pattern that is more elegant than this:
AddItemToList(object item)
Memento m = null;
m = new Memento(..) // create application state object
m.AddState("item added", item); // store state change
m_Caretaker.Add(m); // store state object
Reason why I think it's not elegant: I would have to use the booelan flag twice, in each function that should support Undo/Redo.
Why not use a Decorator? That way, suppose you have something called, e.g. EditQueue that you simply push the state changes into. You make an interface for that and then provide two implementations, one simply EditQueueImpl and the other UndoEnabledEditQueueImpl. The second would be a Decorator that had an instance of the EditQueueImpl inside and it would mean users of the class would not have to know anything about whether undo was turned on or not.