this is my first question in stackoverflow and I am a beginner in using reflection.
I would like to dump all values of an object instance for reference (to keep track about used values on a test). I am using Compact Framework 3.5 not the full framework. Keep that in mind for your suggestions.
Imagine following classes:
public class Camera : IDisposable
public Camera.FilenameProperties SnapshotFile;
public double DigitalZoomFactor { get; set; }
public bool DisplayHistogram { get; set; }
public int ImageUpdateInterval { get; set; }
public Camera.ImprintCaptionPosType ImprintCaptionPos { get; set; }
public string ImprintCaptionString { get; set; }
where the 'special' types are:
public class FilenameProperties
public string Directory { get; set; }
public string Filename { get; set; }
public Camera.FilenamePaddingType FilenamePadding { get; set; }
public Camera.ImageType ImageFormatType { get; set; }
public Camera.ImageResolutionType ImageResolution { get; set; }
public int JPGQuality { get; set; }
public void Restore();
public void Save();
public enum Fnametype
tSnapshot = 0,
tCircularCapture = 1,
public enum ImprintCaptionPosType
Disabled = 0,
LowerRight = 1,
LowerLeft = 2,
LowerCenter = 3,
UpperRight = 4,
UpperLeft = 5,
UpperCenter = 6,
Center = 7,
Now, I can get the 'base' names and properties and the field names of an instance of camera:
Camera cam = new Camera();
void dumpProperties(object oClass)
FieldInfo[] _Info = oClass.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
for(int i = 0; i<_Info.Length; i++)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(_Info[i].Name + ":'" + _Info[i].GetValue(oClass).ToString()+"'");
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in oClass.GetType().GetProperties())
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(pi.Name + ":'" + pi.GetValue(oClass, null)
+ "' Type=" + pi.PropertyType.ToString());
and then get soemthing like this:
DigitalZoomFactor:'1' Type=System.Double
DisplayHistogram:'False' Type=System.Boolean
ImageUpdateInterval:'1' Type=System.Int32
ImprintCaptionPos:'Disabled' Type=Intermec.Multimedia.Camera+ImprintCaptionPosType
ImprintCaptionString:'' Type=System.String
Now, for simple properties like DigitalZoomFactor and ImageUpdateInterval I get what I need, but for the nested class (correct wording?) I only get the type as for example with SnapshotFile. For the nested enum I get the value as with 'ImprintCaptionPos'.
How can I get the values of the nested values like FilenameProperties.Filename of the SnapshotFile field/property?
If I use dumpProperties(cam.SnapshotFile), I get the output I am looking for:
Directory:'\Program Files\FrmCamera' Type=System.String
Filename:'myphoto' Type=System.String
ImageFormatType:'JPG' Type=Intermec.Multimedia.Camera+ImageType
FilenamePadding:'None' Type=Intermec.Multimedia.Camera+FilenamePaddingType
ImageResolution:'Medium' Type=Intermec.Multimedia.Camera+ImageResolutionType
JPGQuality:'100' Type=System.Int32
But how can I automate that?
I did a lot of search and test coding but was unable to find a solution. The problem seems to be getting the instance of the field to be able to iterate thru it.
I do not have the source code of the Camera class, so I cannot add or remove code in there.
Can anyone help?
I need to get something like the debugger shows:
OK, I find a way (a workaround) to get all properties (in an XML but who cares) using the code from here:
The output is xml like but acceptable for me. Here an excerpt:
<xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">
<Camera xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Directory>\\Program Files\\FrmCamera</Directory>
In my code I just have to call
string s = serialization.mySerialize.SerializeObject<Intermec.Multimedia.Camera>(cam);
To get a 'dump' of all current properties of the instance.
Thanks to all for your help. Possibly I was misunderstood with my question and reflection is unable to give what I want.