Search code examples

Merging SQL Result rows together

I am working on an EAV storage system for storing schemaless meta data about an object, and am now working on a way to have it searchable, but have most of the processing done by the Database Server.

The table of the EAV is:

`entityID` - INT(11)
`entity` - VARCHAR(128)
`attribute` - VARCHAR(128)
`value` - BLOB

This is my statement:

    (CASE WHEN `attribute` = 'bob' THEN `value` ELSE NULL END) `bob`,
    (CASE WHEN `attribute` = 'dean' THEN `value` ELSE NULL END) `dean`
FROM `eav`

which returns a nice set of rows (as expected) like this:

|  entity  | bob  | dean |
| testEnt  | foo  | NULL | // attribute = bob
| testEnt  | NULL | NULL | // another test attribute
| testEnt  | NULL | NULL | // another test attribute
| testEnt2 | foo  | NULL | // attribute = bob
| testEnt2 | NULL | foo  | // attribute = dean

but when I attach GROUP BY (Entity), the result turns into this:

|  entity  | bob  | dean |
| testEnt  | foo  | NULL |
| testEnt2 | foo  | NULL |

so using the HAVING syntax after that stops working. Is there a way so that the result returned is:

|  entity  | bob  | dean |
| testEnt  | foo  | NULL |
| testEnt2 | foo  | foo  |


  • Apply an aggregate function with the CASE and the GROUP BY. Since the values are strings you can use either a MAX() or MIN() to return the result:

        Max(CASE WHEN `attribute` = 'bob' THEN `value` ELSE NULL END) `bob`,
        Max(CASE WHEN `attribute` = 'dean' THEN `value` ELSE NULL END) `dean`
    FROM `eav`
    group by `entity`

    See SQL Fiddle with Demo

    In the event, you have an unknown number of attribute values to return, you can use a prepared statement to get the result:

    SET @sql = NULL;
          'max(case when attribute = ''',
          ''' then value end) AS ',
      ) INTO @sql
    FROM eav;
    SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT entity, ', @sql, ' 
                      FROM eav 
                       GROUP BY entity');
    PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
    EXECUTE stmt;

    See SQL Fiddle with Demo

    The result for both will be:

    |   ENTITY | BOB |   DEAN |
    |  testEnt | foo | (null) |
    | testEnt2 | foo |    foo |