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Understanding Regular Expression for the Below Template

I am installing scmbug to integrate bugzilla with svn on windows. After a whole day fight with scmbug. Seems like i made it to get off the ground.

I entered the commit comment as

bug 3


test test test

bla bla bla

But it give me error like the below

Scmbug error 3: No list of bug ids was found that matches the log_bugid_regex '^\s*bug\s*([\d|\s|,|#]*?):' and log_bugid_split_regex ',\s?#|\s?#|,|\s+' in the log message 'bug 3

grepping the syntax leads me to the conf file.

So expecting help to the understand the below regex and its valid input.

log_template => {
    # The log_bugid_regex is a regular expression that must
    # set the unnamed variable $1 to the bug number, or list
    # of bug numbers. It is checked for a match as: m/$regex/s

    log_bugid_regex => '^\s*bug\s*([\d|\s|,|#]*?):',

        # The log_bugid_split_regex is a regular expression
        # describing how a list of bug ids will be split in
        # individual bug numbers. It is split as: /$regex/

        log_bugid_split_regex => ',\s?#|\s?#|,|\s+',

    # The log_body_regex is a regular expression that must set
    # the unnamed variable $1 to the log comment. It is
    # checked for a match as: m/$regex/s

    log_body_regex => '^\s*bug.*?:\s*(.*)'


Any Help would be appreciated.



  • ^\s*bug\s*([\d|\s|,|#]*?):

    You have a colon at the end of the regex; your commit message does not have it. Therefore, it doesn't match.

    The regexes are meant to match entries like:

    bug #2,#666: Corrected the number of the beast

    The # are optional.