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Uniquely identifying actors in scala

I'm building a simple logging class in scala which would write all log information to a file. This is part of a homework assignment. Hence I cannot use the already available loggers in java or scala or akka libraries. Can any of you please tell how to uniquely identify actors in scala i.e., is there a resource ID or any other ID for each actor. If so, how can it be accessed?

I tried using hashCode() on the actor objects. But it does not give the expected result, as the value changes for each object and many objects can be created for a single actor.


  • If you are using akka actors you can get the name of the actor by looking at self.path (self is an ActorRef)


    If you are using scala actors then you could do something like...

    class MyActor(name: String) extends Actor { 
      def act() {
        receive {
          case _ => println("Message on actor: " + name)
    val actor1 = new MyActor("actor1")
    val actor2 = new MyActor("actor2")