I am developing a small windows phone application and it work fine when i run in the emulator. my problem is that i wanted to test in my device that. since am using windows 8. and in windows 8 zune cannot be installed ( each time it show an error due to .NET 3.5 cannot be installed). someone please tell me how can i test in my device my application or a way to install zune in windows 8.
what i have done:
1. I tried to install zune many times everytime the same Error(Cannont download .NET 3.5).
2. Tried to turn "ON" the .NET 3.5 feature. result was the same.
i found that zune was no more using(changed to xbox music and dont know what that will do).Is there any way i can test my app on my device?
if none of these going to work is there any alternative option?
If you have your installation CD or the image loaded use this in command prompt
Example :
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:G:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess
1. run this command as Administrator
2. Instead of G: give your drive where you have the installation Disc