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WebStorm live edit doesn't work

I have installed WebStorm 5.0.4 + JetBrains Chrome Extension 0.3.11, checked View -> Live Edit. Now I'm openning index.html, right click, Open in browser. File is openned by Chrome (file:///D:/Dropbox/index.html) but live edit doesn't work

Chrome 23.0.1271.64 m, Windows 7. Option View -> Reload in Browser is not active, DevTools is not active

I have opened background page of chrome extension and found a lot of errors
Unexpected response code: 400 chrome-extension://omlgoegcnmiikfiapaelkaichppahfkm:1

May be this is the reason of problem?


  • you might try this fix it worked for me but I'm on XP:

    Download and copy to WebStorm-install-dir/lib (replace existing file).

    from :