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Static IEnumerator

How to minimize the overhead by implementing an Array Wrapper?

1 Which Interface/Type to choose for MyProviderInfos?

2 Is that reasonable to use private static enumerator? NO, from the answer

3 Should MyProviderInfos be a property and how to protect its members from modifications? internal/private SETTERS for members (from the same answer)

I tried going through SO articles about ICollection, Readonly-Collection, List, IList, Array, but still confused what would be best for the scenario:

  • The Array MyProviderInfos is formed by the compile time and will not (must not) be changed at the run-time.
  • The Class is (must be) Enumerable (with Elements of the Array MyProviderInfos) and Custom List functions (.Add .Remove) are NOT necessary.
  • The class HAS static functions, which use the Array.
  • The class MUST be non-static to support Indexing.


 public class MyIdentifiers : IEnumerable<MyProviderInfo>
   //public static IList<MyProviderInfo> getMyProviderInfos() 
   //{ return MyProviderInfos; }

    public static int MyProviderCount()
        return MyProviderInfos.Count;

    public static readonly IList<MyProviderInfo> MyProviderInfos = new[]
        new MyProviderInfo
                MyProvider = MyProvider.FirstProvider,
                Url = "",                       

    private static IEnumerator<MyProviderInfo> _enumerator = 

    public IEnumerator<MyProviderInfo> GetEnumerator()
        return _enumerator;
        //return ((IEnumerable<MyProviderInfo>)MyProviderInfos).GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();



  • Which Interface/Type to choose for MyProviderInfos?

    Unless you want to limit features directly visible to your users you should always return the less generic type (in your case the array itself).

    As general rule it's a good practice to accept the most generic possible type as parameter (for example if you just want to enumerate a collection then declare that parameter as IEnumerable<T>) and the less generic as result (so users can use it as IEnumerable<T> if they just need that or as IList<T>, as needed, without fragile casts and conversions). Moreover, in your case, IList<T> supports adding items but this will throw at run-time because array is fixed size so you expose more than what they actually can do.

    For example:

    string[] ConvertToTitleCase(IEnumerable<string> names);

    Of course you can return an IEnumerable<string> too instead of string[], it may be appropriate if - for example - the implementation doesn't create any array for the result to avoid an extra conversion.

    Is that reasonable to use private static enumerator?

    Absolutely no, an enumerator is an object with a state (take a look to any IEnumerator<T> implementation) then it can't be static (imagine when called by different threads, for example).

    Should MyProviderInfos be a property and how to protect its members from modifications?

    It doesn't need to be a property unless you want to provide some kind of lazy initialization. To protect its members the only thing you can do is to make them read-only (it doesn't matter if the collection itself is read-only). How to do it depends on MyProviderInfo implementation. You may consider to do not expose any public setter for its properties. For example:

    class MyProviderInfo
        public MyProviderInfo(Provider provider, string url)
            Provider = provider;
            Url = url;
        public Provider Provider
            private set;
        public string Url
            private set;

    Or, without too many changes, keep your existing code but make setters internal (so users of your library won't be able to modify them):

    class MyProviderInfo
        public Provider Provider
        public string Url
            internal set;

    To summarize a little bit I would rewrite that as this:

     public class MyIdentifiers : IEnumerable<MyProviderInfo>
        public int Count
            get { return _myProviderInfos.Count; }
        public IEnumerator<MyProviderInfo> GetEnumerator()
            return ((IEnumerable<MyProviderInfo>)_myProviderInfos ).GetEnumerator();
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return GetEnumerator();
        private static readonly IList<MyProviderInfo> _myProviderInfos = new[]
            new MyProviderInfo
                    MyProvider = MyProvider.FirstProvider,
                    Url = "",                       