val SumABC = 1000
val Max = 468
val Min = 32
val p9 = for {
a <- Max to 250 by -1
b <- Min+(Max-a) to 249
if a*a+b*b == (SumABC-a-b)*(SumABC-a-b)
} yield a*b*(SumABC-a-b)
Can I .take(1) here? (I tried to translate it to flatmap, filter, etc, but since I failed I guess it wouldn't be as readable anyway...)
If I understood your cryptic questin, what you would like to do is the following
val p9 = (for {
a <- Max to 250 by -1
b <- Min+(Max-a) to 249
if a*a+b*b == (SumABC-a-b)*(SumABC-a-b)
} yield a*b*(SumABC-a-b)).take(1)
Just add parenthesis before for and after yield to ensure the take method is called on the result of the for block