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Google map shows on emulator but doesn't show on device

i m using my google map applictaion and get google map api key
"0o8CRg5BhPmqQB1pvyYZQNfJ2ZbpDMa6XFunRwA" i use this same key to sign in my application but problem is map show on emulator but not show on my HTC wildfire S device tell me what is the problem??


  • This can happen for many cases you can try out the list of cases below which may solve this

    • Try switching on WiFi Gps or data exchange for the internet access
    • Check the location bases settings and switch on everything related for access location for the app.Settings>Location>SwitchOn...
    • Check all the permission in manifest.Internet,Access_fine_location, Access_coarse_location
    • Check the generated key for the map.
    • Check whether the network has a good speed to fetch the map.