I already have a Solr instance running in my JBoss, with custom classes, config and so on.
Now, my next stet is setup SolrCloud.
I only found examples and help around Jetty, so, I have no idea about basically two things:
All the parameters are JAVA_OPTS.
The easiest way to setup (single machine, for test/development etc.) is to use embedded ZooKeeper.
-DzkRun (enable zookeeper) -DnumShards=2 (your number of shards goes here) -Dbootstrap_confdir=$SOLR_HOME/collection1/conf - configures bootstrapping of zookeeper data. -Djetty.port=8080 (your port) -Dcollection.configName=myconf (config name for zookeeper)
If you have several nodes, install standalone zookeeper: use -DzkHost: instead of zkRun. you may use script zkCli from solr scripts to bootstrap, or either configure -Dbootstrap_confdir ON ONE NODE ONLY. The rest are the same