I am trying to update the attributes from an order within my shopping cart. To do so, I want to use in-place editing with the best_in_place gem ( https://github.com/bernat/best_in_place )
Anyhow, once it is being implemented it does not update the record on submit.
This is my view:
= form_for @order, :url => update_cart_path, :html => {:id => 'update-cart'} do |order_form|
- @order.line_items.each do |line_item|
= image_tag(line_item.variant.images.first.attachment.url(:product)) unless line_item.variant.images.length == 0
%span.columns.alpha= full_product_name(line_item.variant)
%span#line_price.offset-by-five.columns.omega= money line_item.price
- if line_item.variant.option_values.any?
- line_item.variant.sorted_values.each do |ov|
%span= ov.option_type.presentation
- if ov.swatch?
%span.imagelabel= image_tag("#{ov.swatch.url(:circle)}")
- else
%span.textlabel.not_selected= ov.presentation
= best_in_place [@order, line_item], :quantity, :type => :input
- if line_item.subscription_line?
%p#subline Auto ship: first pair ships today and every 1 month.
This is my controllers update aciton:
def update
@order = current_order
respond_to do |format|
if @order.update_attributes(params[:order])
format.html do
@order.line_items = @order.line_items.select {|li| li.quantity > 0 }
respond_with(@order) { |f| f.html { redirect_to cart_path } }
format.json { respond_with_bip(@order)}
format.html {respond_with(@order)}
format.json {respond_with_bip(@order)}
How would it be the proper way to do so, so it updates the quantity of my Line_item in the cart?
Removing the
= form_for @order, :url => update_cart_path, :html => {:id => 'update-cart'} do |order_form|
from the top of the form solved the problem.