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Converting void* array of arguments to static types

If I have a class such as the following:

import std.traits;

class Test(T) if(isCallable!T)
 alias ParameterTypeTuple!T Parameters;
 alias ReturnType!T delegate(Parameters) DelegateType;

 DelegateType m_delegate;

 void Foo(void ** arguments)
  // I want to convert the void* array to
  // the respective type of each argument

How can I convert a C array of void pointers to their respective type (where their type is defined in Parameters and the length ofarguments equals the length of Parameters) and then call the function?

I tried to do this using a tuple like the following:

void Foo(void ** arguments)
 Tuple!(Parameters) tuple;

 foreach(index; 0 .. Parameters.length)
  // Copy each value to the tuple
  tuple[index] = *(cast(Parameters[index]*) arguments[index]);

 // Call the function using the tuple (since it expands to an argument list)

But this does not compile because the compiler complains about "variable index cannot be read at compile time". Any ideas?


  • Do something along these lines:

    ParameterTypeTuple!T args;
    foreach(i, arg; args) {
        args[i] = cast(typeof(arg)) arguments[i];

    and you should be started