Search code examples


I'm trying to recreate a struct in C# which will be used with Win API, this is the struct:

typedef struct _LDR_MODULE {
  LIST_ENTRY              InLoadOrderModuleList;
  LIST_ENTRY              InMemoryOrderModuleList;
  LIST_ENTRY              InInitializationOrderModuleList;
  PVOID                   BaseAddress;
  PVOID                   EntryPoint;
  ULONG                   SizeOfImage;
  UNICODE_STRING          FullDllName;
  UNICODE_STRING          BaseDllName;
  ULONG                   Flags;
  SHORT                   LoadCount;
  SHORT                   TlsIndex;
  LIST_ENTRY              HashTableEntry;
  ULONG                   TimeDateStamp;

The two members I'm not sure about are LIST_ENTRY and UNICODE_STRING, how would I mimic these in C#?


  • I'm coming way late to the party, but I just had to do this for a personal "curiosity project" - the signatures end up looking like:

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0)]
        public struct LIST_ENTRY
            public IntPtr Flink;
            public IntPtr Blink;
            public ListEntryWrapper Fwd
                    var fwdAddr = Flink.ToInt32();
                    return new ListEntryWrapper()
                        Header = Flink.ReadMemory<LIST_ENTRY>(),
                            Body = new IntPtr(fwdAddr + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LIST_ENTRY))).ReadMemory<LDR_MODULE>()
            public ListEntryWrapper Back
                    var fwdAddr = Blink.ToInt32();
                    return new ListEntryWrapper()
                        Header = Flink.ReadMemory<LIST_ENTRY>(),
                        Body = new IntPtr(fwdAddr + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LIST_ENTRY))).ReadMemory<LDR_MODULE>()
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0)]
        public struct ListEntryWrapper
            public LIST_ENTRY Header;
            public LDR_MODULE Body;
        public struct UNICODE_STRING : IDisposable
            public ushort Length;
            public ushort MaximumLength;
            private IntPtr buffer;
            public UNICODE_STRING(string s)
                Length = (ushort)(s.Length * 2);
                MaximumLength = (ushort)(Length + 2);
                buffer = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(s);
            public void Dispose()
                buffer = IntPtr.Zero;
            public override string ToString()
                return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(buffer);
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0)]
        public struct PEB_LDR_DATA
            public int Length;
            public int Initialized;
            public int SsHandle;
            public IntPtr InLoadOrderModuleListPtr;
            public IntPtr InMemoryOrderModuleListPtr;
            public IntPtr InInitOrderModuleListPtr;
            public int EntryInProgress;
            public ListEntryWrapper InLoadOrderModuleList { get { return InLoadOrderModuleListPtr.ReadMemory<ListEntryWrapper>(); } }
            public ListEntryWrapper InMemoryOrderModuleList { get { return InLoadOrderModuleListPtr.ReadMemory<ListEntryWrapper>(); } }
            public ListEntryWrapper InInitOrderModuleList { get { return InLoadOrderModuleListPtr.ReadMemory<ListEntryWrapper>(); } }

    Where IntPtr.ReadMemory is just an extension method:

        public static T ReadMemory<T>(this IntPtr atAddress)
            var ret = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(atAddress, typeof (T));
            return ret;