I am trying to automatize some tasks of MKS Integrity via command line. Since we are forced to use the change package feature, I try to get a list of all change packages of a single MKS project. How can this be achieved?
I already checked the command line references of 'si' and 'im', but I still have no idea how to get such a list. The only thing I already got to work was a list of change packages from 'si rlog'. Here I could parse the output and drop all duplicate entries. But the problem is, that I only get change packages from files, currently available in the project. Change packages affecting deleted files are not included.
To look up change packages by project use the following command:
si viewcps --filter=project:"c:/path_to_project/project.pj"
Note that the slashes are forward, not backwards like Windows uses.
There are also different fields and formats available, not just the default ones. if you run man "si viewcps" at the command prompt, it will give you a list of fields you can use with the optional --fields tag to output additional information.
Output can be modified to limit results to CP type, state, target, etc. man "si viewcps" gives details on how to use these options as well.