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Django-CMS - Global placeholder?

Is there any way to make global placeholder in my base template? I need it to be the same on every page (banners list). How can I do that?


  • I usually create a page in my CMS that isn't published, but contains placeholders that I would like to use elsewhere (footer/headers) etc.

    Make a new template extra_placeholders.html:

    {% extends "base.html" %}
    {% load cms_tags %}
    {% block content %}
        {% placeholder "Banner-List" %}
    {% endblock %}

    add it to your settings:

        ('my/path/extra_placeholders.html', 'Extra Placeholder Page'),

    now go to the admin and create the placeholder with whatever plugin you want. Then go to you base template (*base.html probably) from which all your other pages inherit and add this wherever you want the placeholder to appear:

    {% load cms_tags %}
    {% show_placeholder "Banner-List" "extra_placeholders" %}

    You can read more about it in the docs


    As @José L. Patiño has mentioned in the comments, this solution is only necessary for those using django-cms < 3.0. For the newer version you can simply use the static_placeholder template tag