Using WPF (not Silverlight) D3, is it possible to put strings on the Y axis? I am specifically talking about a situation in which I have a graph of a timeline with status values (let's say "High" and "Medium" and "Low" mapped as 1, 0 and -1) and want the status on the y axis ticks instead of the numbers...
You can use a LabelProvider to achieve your desired effect. You will have to make a new LabelProvider class that stems off of either LabelProviderBase, or more specifically in your case, NumericLabelProviderBase. You should be able to take all the ticks you have (1,0-1) and change them into strings using an if or a switch in your new LabelProviderClass. There's tons of examples in the source of label providers you can use as a base.
The method you are looking to override is CreateLabels. Here is a quick method I whipped up that should (hopefully!) get you where you need to be. Implement in the new class you create.
public override UIElement[] CreateLabels(ITicksInfo<double> ticksInfo) {
var ticks = ticksInfo.Ticks;
UIElement[] res = new UIElement[ticks.Length];
LabelTickInfo<double> tickInfo = new LabelTickInfo<double> { Info = ticksInfo.Info };
for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++) {
tickInfo.Tick = ticks[i];
tickInfo.Index = i;
string labelText = "";
if(Convert.ToInt32(tickInfo.Tick) == 1) {
labelText = "High";
} else if(Convert.ToInt32(tickInfo.Tick) == 0) {
labelText = "Medium"
} else if(Convert.ToInt32(tickInfo.Tick) == -1) {
labelText = "Low"
} else {
labelText = ""
TextBlock label = (TextBlock)GetResourceFromPool();
if (label == null) {
label = new TextBlock();
label.Text = labelText;
label.ToolTip = ticks[i].ToString();
res[i] = label;
ApplyCustomView(tickInfo, label);
return res;
To assign this new LabelProvider to a ChartPlotter, name the axis that you want to label in XAML or create it as an object in C# :
yAxis.LabelProvider = new ZazkapulskLabelProvider();