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Windows Phone WebBrowser set cookies

I am using HttpWebRequest for REST services which uses some basic authentication that relies on JSESSIONID cookie. I need to pass that cookie to WebBrowser control to reuse that session, but didn't find any usable solution that would allow me to pass that cookie in the Browser's cookie store.

Is there any way? The only way that I can think of now is to use Naviagate(url, null, MANUALLY_CONSTRUCTED_HEADER) which is kind of brute-force.

Yes, and really have to use WebBrowser for this kind of action.

Any suggestions?


  • Another thought is that you might be able to add cookies via JavaScript. You should be able to do this (provided IsScriptEnabled is true on your browser control):

    private void setCookie(string name, string value, string path = "", string domain = "", bool isSecure=false, string expires = "")
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendFormat("document.cookie = '{0}=\" + escape(\"{1}\")", name, value);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(expires))
                sb.AppendFormat(";expires=\"{0}\"", expires); // should be a GMTString
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                sb.AppendFormat(";path=\"{0}\"", path); 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(domain))
                sb.AppendFormat(";domain=\"{0}\"", domain);
            if (isSecure)
            var cookieJs = sb.ToString();