I have a NetStream which is put into data generation mode properly... everything works fine and I get onSeekPoint() events when I do something like the following:
public function setupStream() {
netStream.client = {};
netStream.client.onSeekPoint = this.onSeekPoint;
netStream.client.onMetaData = this.onMetaData;
public function onSeekPoint(... args) {...}
public function onMetaData(... args) {...}
However, instead of keeping it all in that parent class, I need to create a new class for the client which also has that onSeekPoint. It doesn't work. Strangely, the onMetaData callback does... it's something like this:
package {
public class CustomClient {
public function CustomClient() {
public function onSeekPoint(... args) {...}
public function onMetaData(... args) {...}
public function setupStream() {
var myClient:CustomClient = new CustomClient();
netStream.client = CustomClient;
I thought that maybe there's some small issue I missed- but what's really freaking me out, is that this fully works properly...
package {
public class CustomClient {
public function CustomClient() {
public function onSeekPoint(... args) {...}
public function onMetaData(... args) {...}
public function setupStream() {
var myClient:CustomClient = new CustomClient();
netStream.client = {};
netStream.client.onSeekPoint = myClient.onSeekPoint;
netStream.client.onMetaData = myClient.onMetaData
I guess "if it ain't broke don't fix it" might apply here, but I'm a little worried letting some code I don't understand go, and afraid it might come back to bite me when I least expect it ;)
My questions are:
EDIT: In case it's unclear, the different classes are correctly in separate files, etc. They're just combined in the examples here to make it easier to digest
In your second example you have this:
var myClient:CustomClient = new CustomClient();
netStream.client = CustomClient;
But shouldn't it be something like this:
var myClient:CustomClient = new CustomClient();
netStream.client = myClient;