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Send asynchronous email with phpmailer

Is it possible to send asynchronous emails with phpmailer?

Regular mail sending code snippet is as follows:


PHP waits for the Send() to return the result before moving on. Is it possible to have phpmailer to return a result instantly without waiting for the real email sending routine to complete.


  • Update May 2016

    As mentioned by user @Sinak Salek PHP does support multithreading. It is available using the pthreads extension.


    PHP does not support multithreading natively (which you need to do this beautifully). You can do it though by saving the emails in a database and then process them later using another script (e.g. using a cron job). In this way you don't have to wait for the underlying email framework.

    Another thing, if phpmailer is slow it can be due to the underlying mail program (sendmail, postfix etc.) is setup incorrectly.