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What is the Dart "Expando" feature about, what does it do?

Have been seeing the term "Expando" used recently with Dart. Sounds interesting. The API did not provide much of a clue to me.

An example or two could be most helpful!

(Not sure if this is related, but I am most anxious for a way to add methods (getters) and/or variables to a class. Hoping this might be a key to solving this problem. (hint: I am using the Nosuchmethod method now and want to be able to return the value of the unfound method.))

Thanks in advance,



  • Expandos allow you to associate objects to other objects. One very useful example of this is an HTML DOM element, which cannot itself be sub-classed. Let's make a top-level expando to add some functionality to an element - in this case a Function signature given in the typedef statement:

    typedef CustomFunction(int foo, String bar);
    Expando<CustomFunction> domFunctionExpando = new Expando<CustomFunction>();

    Now to use it:

       // Assumes dart:html is imported
       final myElement = new DivElement();
       // Use the expando on our DOM element.
       domFunctionExpando[myElement] = someFunc;
       // Now that we've "attached" the function to our object,
       // we can call it like so:
       domFunctionExpando[myElement](42, 'expandos are cool');
    void someFunc(int foo, String bar){
      print('Hello. $foo $bar');