Search code examples mvc virtual views and web configuration

There are many examples out there which show how to store and retrieve virtual views from a file or database, but none of them show how to configure root web.config so that the application works properly, when a view's content retrieved from a file and contains for instance @ViewBag.Title = "Some Title" line.

In this case I get CS0103: The name 'ViewBag' does not exist in the current context error, just like in cases when I remove web.config from ~/Views project folder.

So, what config elements from the ~/Views/web.config to root web.config in order to fix the mentioned above error?

Is it possible to load config elements into assemby at run time?


  • The problem is related to the fact that in case of a virtual view, a view whose content is retrieved from a file or database, inherits from System.Web.Mvc.ViewStartPage that contains Html and Url, but doesn't ViewBag or Ajax properties. The virtual view is referred as follows

    public class DynamicViewsController : Controller
        public ActionResult GetView()
            //SomeModel model = new SomeModel() { Count = 1 };
            return View("/Virtual/VirtualViewToShow.cshtml");

    A view located in ~/Views/ folder inherits from System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage, which has ViewBag and ViewData, and Ajax properties defined.

    The workaround to change the action method as follow

    public PartialViewResult GetView()
        //SomeModel model = new SomeModel() { Count = 1 };
        return PartialView("/Virtual/VirtualViewToShow.cshtml");

    and to add

            Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

    to the text of the virtual view in order to load the layout also. I don't know the reason why a virtual view inherits from System.Web.Mvc.ViewStartPage, but I'll try to find the reason for this in another thread and will post the link when thre thread is created.


    So a said the link to the new created thread is here

    "Show Complete Compilation Source" screenshot attachedenter image description here