I am looking for a way to slightly modify the default window title in an Android app for both phone and tablet. The example below is a tablet view of the title bar as standard:
I have tried implementing a custom title bar, which works but the context menu (circled in red) disappears, which I need. All I want to do is change the color of the bottom border or remove the bottom border altogether.
Is there a way to make changes whilst keeping the context menu?
In your manifest in application tag define as :
Now in res/values you can define a file say theme.xml with content as :
<style name="mytheme" parent="@android:style/Theme" >
<item name="android:_DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR_1">#XXXXXX</item>
<item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
... .
This will change the basic colour scheme of your application. Here are the color themes primarily used on Android: http://developer.android.com/design/style/color.html