I've installed CMU Sphynx at Linux Mint 13 (based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) and I simply cant' find any examples for:
How to just test how it work in most simple way? I want to launch it from command line and recognize any .wav file. I've read docs but there are just c++ or python examples, no examples for pocketsphynx_continious
Where can I get /dev/dsp devise at Mint? I have installed all dev libs for alsa and pulseaudio - no /dev/dsp at all.
Any help?
To recognize from microphone
To recognize a file (16khz mono 16bit)
pocketsphinx_continuous -infile file.wav
To create /dev/dsp you need to load kernel driver for oss
modprobe snd_pcm_oss
Development libs are for development, not for /dev/dsp. After you installed development libraries, you need to recompile and reinstall sphinxbase. It will detect development libraries and use alsa instead of oss.