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UISlider doesn't response at max edge position

I have implemented UISlider using DoubleSlider The problem is when my view appears and my slider handles are in min and max position by then.


  • When the view is loaded maxHandle doesn't response to touches for a long period of time. When its finally responsive it works well but it takes about 5 seconds for it to wake.
  • This situation repeats when I move the handle to max edge of slider.

Solutions tried:

  • I have debugged the problem and it figures out that the handle doesn't get touch events. I wonder why, cause it is working properly after some time.
  • I have checked touchable area and made it really big (80x120px)

What else could cause this behaviour?


  • The problem was that when I made a slider area that narrow, that touch started between the edge of the screen, the slider didn't accept it as a slider's starting touch. Making slider's active area so brod that the gap between slider's edge and edge of the screen was smaller than touch area solved the problem.