I have the following in my webgrid:
grid.Column(header: "Action",
format: delegate(dynamic i)
return Ajax.ActionLink("Remove", "SomeAction", new {dataId = @i.id},
new AjaxOptions
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
UpdateTargetId = "ropeDiv"
and I want the contents of the column wrapped in a DIV... however I havent been able to get this to happen. I can do simple a simplet format where I am not needing a delegate... and I have seen a lot of simple formats. However nothing I have seen leads me to an answer on this.
I tried this:
grid.Column(header: "Action",
format: @<DIV> delegate(dynamic i)
return Ajax.ActionLink("Remove", "SomeAction", new {dataId = @i.id},
new AjaxOptions
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
UpdateTargetId = "ropeDiv"
this didnt work ...
Any thoughts?
According to this article you could try this:
grid.Column(header: "Action",
format: @<div>@Ajax.ActionLink("Remove", "SomeAction", new{dataId=item.Id},
new AjaxOptions
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
UpdateTargetId = "ropeDiv"