I have a documents in MongoDB, one of them looks like this:
"_id" : 100,
"name" : "Something",
"items" : [
"item" : 47,
"color" : "red"
"item" : 44,
"color" : "green"
"item" : 39,
"color" : "blue"
In every document I need to find the minimum item and delete it. So it should be like this:
"_id" : 100,
"name" : "Something",
"items" : [
"item" : 47,
"color" : "red"
"item" : 44,
"color" : "green"
It looks like findAndModify
function should be used here but I can't go any further.
How to find the minimum element in array and delete it?
I'm using MongoDB and Pymongo driver.
If you are not restricted to having the query be in one single step, you could try:
step 1) use the aggregate function with the $unwind and $group operators to find the minimum item for each document
myresults = db.megas.aggregate( [ { "$unwind": "$items" },
{"$group": { '_id':'$_id' , 'minitem': {'$min': "$items.item" } } } ] )
step 2) the loop through the results and $pull the element from the array
for result in myresults['result']:
db.megas.update( { '_id': result['_id'] },
{ '$pull': { 'items': { 'item': result['minitem'] } } } )