Am trying to get the basics down before moving forward with neo4j. Love the querying aspect but now trying to delete using neo4jclient and stuck.
Simple setup
For a user with the Id of 1 I would like to remove the specified from Id == 2. User 1 is no longer friends with User 2 :(
Anyway, using neo4jclient I first check to make sure that the users are friends in the first place with this:
if (client.Cypher.Start("root", client.RootNode)
.Where((UserNode user, UserNode friend) => user.Id == 1 && friend.Id == id)
.Count() == 1)
now I'm trying to delete:
client.Cypher.Start("root", client.RootNode)
.Where("user.Id = 1")
.Where("friend.Id = " + id)
.Where(string.Format("type(r) = 'FRIEND'"))
No errors, but the relationship is still there. Any ideas?
Update 11/12/2012
Got it working. I first updated by Neo4J instance with the stable 1.8. I think something with the latest neo4jclient and neo4j server were not working together. I first got the user's node based on the id, then from that node tested if the node had a relationship, then was able to remove it. Code below:
var currentUserNode = client.Cypher.Start("root", client.RootNode)
.Where((UserNode user) => user.Id == 1)
if (currentUserNode.StartCypher("user")
.Where("friend.Id = " + id).And()
.Where("type(r) = 'FRIEND'")
.Count() == 1)
.Where("friend.Id = " + id).And()
.Where("type(r) = 'FRIEND'")
One way is to switch to use a CypherFluentQuery instead:
new CypherFluentQuery(client)
.Start("root", client.RootNode)
.Where("user.Val = 1").And()
.Where("friend.Val = " + 2).And()
.Where("type(r) = 'FRIEND'")
which will do what you want.
I believe this all stems from a bug:
As to why client.Cypher.Start
isn't working as it should, I'm not sure, the bug is fixed, and should be working from version (current at time of writing is