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Recipe not being executed in Chef

I'm making a simple recipe that apt-get upgrades the whole system.

include_recipe "apt"

execute "apt-get upgrade -y" do
        command "apt-get upgrade -y"
        action :nothing

but it never gets run:

chef-solo -j node.json -W

Recipe: up2date::default
  * execute[apt-get upgrade -y] action nothing[2012-11-12T13:05:04+01:00] 
    INFO: Processing execute[apt-get upgrade -y] 
    action nothing (up2date::default line 12)  (up to date)

Can't understand why ?

Is there a better/cleaner way ?


  • If you are including "apt" recipe you don't have to create execute[apt-get upgrade -y] resource. Or if you don't want to include "apt" recipe, then use

    execute "apt-get upgrade -y" do
        command "apt-get upgrade -y"
        action :run

    But as run is default action, and name is default command, that can be shortened to

    execute "apt-get upgrade -y"