I have the following code in a module:
{port, ip = "", max_connections = 10}).
Opts1 = #server_opts{port=80}.
When I try to compile it in Erlang shell it gives an error like
syntax error before Opts1
. Any idea what could be the problem with the code above. Please note that the code is taken from the following website:
Record example in Erlang.
The following line:
Opts1 = #server_opts{port=80}.
Should be contained within a function body:
foo() ->
Opts1 = #server_opts{port=80},
Remember to export the function, so that you can call it from outside the module:
A complete example follows:
-record(server_opts, {port,
ip = "",
max_connections = 10}).
test_records() ->
Opts1 = #server_opts{port=80},