I have read lots of post on this forum and others about using a different layout depending on the device being used.
Below is a screenshot of my layout folder at the moment:
Now, I have tried many different variations to try and get the XML layout to change. The project is designed using a phone and I'm now testing on a 10.1 inch Samsung Galaxy tablet.
Despite all those layouts my app still uses the default .xml file.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong or other variations to try?
I should say I lock the user into portrait mode hence a few layouts with -port.
Any help would be great
You need to have your layout-large, layout-sw400dp-port,... folders at the same level as your layout folder instead of having them inside the layout folder. Your folder structure should look like -
/res/layout/ /res/layout-large/ /res/layout-sw400dp-port/main.xml ...