I want to force user to use my own init method (for example -(id)initWithString:(NSString*)foo;
) and not the basic [[myObject alloc]init];
how can I do that?
The accepted answer is incorrect - you CAN do this, and it's very easy, you just have to be a bit explicit. Here's an example:
You have a class named "DontAllowInit" which you want to prevent people init'ing:
@implementation DontAllowInit
- (id)init
if( [self class] == [DontAllowInit class])
NSAssert(false, @"You cannot init this class directly. Instead, use a subclass e.g. AcceptableSubclass");
self = nil; // as per @uranusjr's answer, should assign to self before returning
self = [super init];
return nil;
Works perfectly. NB: I don't recommend this technique for "normal apps" because usually you INSTEAD want to use a Protocol.
HOWEVER ... when writing Libraries ... this technique is VERY valuable: you frequently want to "save (other developers) from themselves", and its easy to NSAssert and tell them "Oops! you tried to alloc/init the wrong class! Try class X instead...".