I am generating a random number between 0 and topOfRange. I can exclude firstNumberToExclude with this code:
NSInteger aRandom;
while ((aRandom = arc4random()%topOfRange) == firstNumberToExclude);
how about if I had two numbers to exclude: firstNumberToExclude and secondNumberToExclude? This was my plan but doesnt seem to be proper:
NSInteger aRandom = arc4random()%topOfRange;
while (aRandom == firstNumberToExclude || aRandom == secondNumberToExclude)
aRandom = arc4random()%topOfRange;
I think your code would be cleaner, and easier to maintain, if you refactored this into a utility method:
+ (NSInteger)generateRandomExcluding:(NSArray *)exclude topOfRange:(NSInteger)topOfRange {
NSInteger aRandom = arc4random_uniform(topOfRange);
while ([exclude containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:aRandom]]) {
aRandom = arc4random_uniform(topOfRange);
return aRandom;
Then you can call it like:
NSNumber *excludeOne = [NSNumber numberWithInt:5];
NSNumber *excludeTwo = [NSNumber numberWithInt:13];
NSInteger random = [MyClass generateRandomExcluding:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:excludeOne, excludeTwo, nil] topOfRange:100];