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Reference DataTable columns with Linq

I am trying to join two datatables using linq

var invoices420 = dt420_.AsEnumerable();
var invoices430 = dt430_.AsEnumerable();

            var query = from inv430 in invoices430
                        join inv420 in invoices420 on inv430.LinkDoc equals inv420.LinkDoc
                        orderby inv430.SID
                        select new
                    LinkDoc = inv430.LinkDoc,
                    TotalIn = Math.Round(inv430.Credit, 2),
                    TotalOut = ((inv420 == null) ? 0 : Math.Round(inv420.Debit, 2))


Joining does not seems to be a problem, but I am getting an error'System.Data.DataRow' does not contain a definition for 'LinkDoc' and no extension method 'LinkDoc' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Data.DataRow' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).

What do I have to do to reference a column in DataTable for example inv430.LinkDoc without using inv430.Field("linkdoc")?

If I want to do a group by on result set I am thinking

var q2 = query
         .GroupBy(item => item.LinkDoc);

return q2.ToArray();

Problem is that in q2 I dont get all the columns (linkdoc, totalin, totalout).

Original data is

Linkdoc   Credit
Invoice1  500
Invoice2  100
Invoice3  200

LinkDoc   Debit
Invoice1  100
Invoice1  100
Invoice2  200

Result would be
LinkDoc    TotalIn(Credit)  TotalOut(Debit)
Invoice1   500              200
Invoice2   100              200
Invoice3   200              0


  • You need to replace all places you called directly to properties like




    inv430 is a DataRow so you need to use the indexer that gets a string.

    EDIT: Your join will bring wrong data (see my comment below). You need to use this code:

    var group430 = from inv430 in invoices430
                   group inv430 by inv430["LinkDoc"].ToString().Trim() into g
                   select new
                        LinkDoc = g.Key.ToString().Trim(),
                        TotalOut = g.Sum(inv => Math.Round((decimal)inv["Debit"], 2))
    var group420 = from inv420 in invoices420
                   group inv420 by inv420["LinkDoc"].ToString().Trim() into g
                   select new
                        LinkDoc = g.Key.ToString().Trim(),
                        TotalIn = g.Sum(inv => Math.Round((decimal)inv["Credit"], 2))
    var result = from inv430 in group430
                 join inv420 in group420 on inv430.LinkDoc equals inv420.LinkDoc into inv
                 from inv420 in inv.DefaultIfEmpty()
                 select new
                     TotalOut = inv430.TotalOut,
                     TotalIn = inv420 != null ? inv420.TotalIn : 0