I am trying to print results on the same line for a card game, here is the desired output I want:
Here is what I get:
Here is my code:
for List in tableau:
print ("Row", Row, ":", end="")
Row += 1
for x in List:
print (x, end="")
I'm using Python 3, thanks.
You need to call print
as a function in Python 3:
for List in tableau:
print() # Right here
print ("Row", Row, ":", end="")
Row += 1
for x in List:
print (x, end="")
Look at the difference in the output between Python 2 and Python 3:
Python 2:
>>> print
Python 3:
>>> print
<built-in function print>
>>> print()
A slightly more compact way of doing it would be like this:
for index, row in enumerate(tableau, start=1):
print('Row {index} : {row}'.format(index=index, row=' '.join(row)))