I have a UIActionSheet that works just fine on the iPhone simulator. It is presented when the user touches a UIButton.
Using the iPad, I believe UIActionSheets are wrapped into a UIPopupController.
When I call the same code using the iPad simulator, I get a thin "line" displayed, which looks like a UIPopupController (you can see the small arrow that usually points to a control). None of the content can be seen.
What is the correct way to use a UIActionSheet using the iPad with MonoTouch? Here is a bit of sample code I have been testing with - creating the UIActionSheet:
var actionSheet = new UIActionSheet () { Style = UIActionSheetStyle.BlackTranslucent };
actionSheet.Frame = actionSheetFrame;
actionSheet.Clicked += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine ("Clicked on item {0}", e.ButtonIndex); };
actionSheet.AddSubview (doneButton);
Then, I am showing the actionsheet by calling the following from a button:
btnSay.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
actionSheet.ShowFrom(tmpBtn.Frame, tmpView, false);
I get something like the attached screenshot when using the iPad simulator.
For reference, here is what the UIActionSheet looks like when using the iPhone simulator.
Note: The project is a universal single-view MonoTouch c# project.
Any pointers or help would be much appreciated!
I faced this same problem with a recent app I released to the app store.
When you show a UIActionSheet
on iPad, iOS wraps the UIActionSheet
in a UIPopoverView
I used the following code to detect whether this is an iPad, and if it is, adjust the frame of the popover view:
const int CHROMEWIDTHLEFT = 9;
const int MARGIN = 50;
UIActionSheet _actionSheet;
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad) {
var popover = _actionSheet.Superview.Superview;
if (popover != null)
var x = _actionSheet.Frame.X + MARGIN;
var y = (UIScreen.MainScreen.ApplicationFrame.Height - _actionSheet.Frame.Height) / 2;
var width = _actionSheet.Frame.Width - (MARGIN * 2);
var height = _actionSheet.Frame.Height;
popover.Frame = new RectangleF (x, y, width, height);
_actionSheet.Frame = new RectangleF (x, y, width - (CHROMEWIDTHLEFT + CHROMEWIDTHRIGHT), height - (CHROMEWIDTHLEFT + CHROMEWIDTHRIGHT));
The example is based upon the Xamarin ActionSheet Date Picker here
I have put these up as a Gist (Normal and DatePicker)