I'd like to customize xtable
for export into LaTeX. I know there are some questions abot xtable
here, but I couldn't find the specific things I'm looking for.
Here is an example of how my table might look like:
my.table <- data.frame(Specifiers=c("","Spec1", "Spec2", "Spec3"),
Values1 = c("N=10", 1.03, 1.71, 2.25),
Values2 = c("N=20", 1.32, 1.79, 2.43))
colnames(my.table)[1] <- ""
Which creates:
Values1 Values2
1 N=10 N=20
2 Spec1 1.03 1.32
3 Spec2 1.71 1.79
4 Spec3 2.25 2.43
In fact, this table is imported from a .csv-file as data.frame
with my.table <- read.delim("filename.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)
Now I create a LaTeX table with xtable
latex.tab <- xtable(my.table, caption=c("Stats"))
print(latex.tab, file="Summarystats.tex",
Here is the resulting LaTeX code:
& Values1 & Values2 \\
N=10 & N=20 \\
Spec1 & 1.03 & 1.32 \\
Spec2 & 1.71 & 1.79 \\
Spec3 & 2.25 & 2.43 \\
Ok, and now this is what I'd like to change:
1) Insert \midrule
after the second row instead of after the first.
2) Alternating colours of the rows of this table by inserting \rowcolors{2}{gray!25}{white}
within the sidewaystable
(or normal table
) environment.
3) Rotating column names by 45°
4) Insert \centering
instead of the center
-environment in cases when I want to center the table.
Any ideas on how to achieve this?
You need some pre-processing, extra argument passed to print.xtable
and some post-processing:
my.table <- data.frame(Specifiers=c("","Spec1", "Spec2", "Spec3"),
Values1 = c("N=10", 1.03, 1.71, 2.25),
Values2 = c("N=20", 1.32, 1.79, 2.43))
colnames(my.table)[1] <- ""
# Pre-processing: rotates column names by 45 degrees
head = apply(as.array(names(my.table)), 1, function(x) paste("\\rotatebox{45}{", x, "}"))
head = paste(head, c(rep("&", length(head)-1), "\\\\\n"), collapse="")
latex.tab <- xtable(my.table, caption=c("Stats"))
ltable = print(latex.tab, file="", # File is empty, post-processing needed
include.colnames=FALSE, # No colnames
latex.environment="center", # Or NULL
# Adds some extra-text after the rows specified in pos.
# Adds new \midrule and comments old one.
# Adds pre-processed names of columns
add.to.row=list(pos=as.list(c(0, 0, 1)), command=as.vector(c(head, "%", "\\midrule\n"))))
# Post-processing: replaces \begin{center} with \centering
ltable = sub("\\begin{center}\n", "\\centering\n", ltable, fixed=TRUE)
ltable = sub("\\end{center}\n", "\n", ltable, fixed=TRUE)
# Post-processing: adds alternating colours
ltable = sub("\\begin{tabular}",
ltable, fixed=TRUE)
# Writes output to the file
cat(ltable, file="Summarystats.tex")
If you need other tabs environment than tabular
you can
1) add new variable:
TABULAR = "tabular"
2) Pass it's value to print.xtable
like this:
3) Change your post-processing for alternating colors:
ltable = sub(sprintf("\\begin{%s}", TABULAR),
sprintf("\\rowcolors{2}{gray!25}{white}\n\\begin{%s}", TABULAR),
ltable, fixed=TRUE)