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Changing tab icons in Komodo Edit

I would like to change the default blank tab icons in Komodo, but couldn't find the right CSS selectors. I created userChrome.css file that works and I could target the language-specific tabs by:

#tabbed-view tabs > tab[label$=".js"]

But the default tab icons always stay on top, no matter which selectors i use. Any suggestions?


  • Here is how I changed default tab icons in Komodo Edit 7.1:

    .tab-icon {
        display: none;
    .tab-image-left {
        background-image: url(chrome://famfamfamsilk/skin/icons/page.png) !important;
        width: 16px !important;
        height: 16px !important;
    #tabbed-view tabs > tab[label$=".js"] .tab-image-left {
        background-image: url(chrome://famfamfamsilk/skin/icons/page_white_code.png) !important;

    This code should go into userChrome.css