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Add foursquare venues plus location of instance gmaps4rails

I have an application that has a location model geocoded by the address entered by the user, right now Im showing the google map given the address geocoded in the location instance, now what I want to do is show the foursquare venues with its icons in the map that shows the location instance, how could I achieve this, Im already getting the nearby venues in a list, how can I show them in the map with its icon.

This is the show view and controller in which I want to see the map with the location instance plus the foursquare venues nearby...

  def show
    @location = Location.find(params[:id])
    @json = Location.where('slug = ?', params[:id]).to_gmaps4rails

The view:

<% provide(:title, %>
<% if [email protected]? %>
  <%= content_tag(:div, "Location currently deactivated!", class: "alert") %>
<% end %>
<div class="row-fluid">
  <aside class="span4" >
        <%= %>
      <%= gmaps({
        "map_options" => { "auto_zoom" => false, "zoom" => 17 },
        "markers"     => { "data" => @json }
      }) %>        

Thank you for your help!


  • Well, hard to guess how your venues look like but I could give you what I suspect could work.


    • to_gmaps4rails spits JSON out

    • venues have at least latitude, longitude. Maybe picture.

    Your goal: add json from venues to json from locations.

    One track:

    locations_array_of_hashes = JSON.parse(@json)
    venues_array_of_hashes = #do what is necessary to build an array containing hashes like { lat: , lng: , marker_picture: }
    global_array_of_hashes = locations_array_of_hashes.concat venues_array_of_hashes
    @global_json = global_array_of_hashes.to_json