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How to detect mobileinit and custom events through Javascripts AddEventListener?

I have an overrides.js script, which sets defaults in my application like so:

$(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){
    $.mobile.autoInitializePage = false;
    $.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false;
    $.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "fade";
    console.log("mobileinit detected in overrides");

The overrides.js is pulled in via requireJS after Jquery has loaded and before Jquery Mobile loads. On my page I have this snippet in the footer:

console.log("page done loading");
window.addEventListener('jqm-ready', function(){
    console.log("detected jqm-ready")
    // run some code

document.addEventListener('mobilelinit', function(){
    console.log("mobilelinit detected from page");
    // run some code

My console displays the following:

page done loading
mobileinit detected in overrides

So, I'm not able to detect mobileinit or my custom jqm-ready event through my eventListener added on the page.

As I'm using requireJS I cannot use Jquery to detect mobileinit/jqm-ready, because the page is parsed before Jquery has loaded. I hoped to be able to detect either event, but no luck so far. I need to detect them because the code I need to run needs to bind to Jquery Mobile events.

Is there something wrong in my snippet or why can't I bind to either mobileinit or jqm-ready like this?


  • Ok. I got it... I think I can't use Jquery's trigger for events that I added listeners to using addEventListener. But maybe not. Anyway this works:

    var trigAnalytics = function( trigger ){ 
        console.log("triggered by "+trigger);
    document.addEventListener("jqm_ready",function(){console.log("jqm_ready"); trigAnalytics("jqm_ready");},false);

    And in overrides.js

    console.log("Hello now");
    var evt = document.createEvent("Event");
