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PHP and XMLWriter

I was successfully using the following code to merge multiple large XML files into a new (larger) XML file. Found at least part of this on StackOverflow

   $docList = new DOMDocument();

    $root = $docList->createElement('documents');

    $doc = new DOMDocument();

    foreach(xmlFilenames as $xmlfilename) {


        $xmlString = $doc->saveXML($doc->documentElement);

        $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
        $query = self::getQuery();  // this is the name of the ROOT element

        $nodelist = $xpath->evaluate($query, $doc->documentElement);

        if( $nodelist->length > 0 ) {

            $node = $docList->importNode($nodelist->item(0), true);

            $xmldownload = $docList->createElement('document');

            if (self::getShowFileName())
                $xmldownload->setAttribute("filename", $filename);




$newXMLFile = self::getNewXMLFile();

I started running into OUT OF MEMORY issues when the number of files grew as did the size of them.

I found an article here which explained the issue and recommended using XMLWriter

So, now trying to use PHP XMLWriter to merge multiple large XML files together into a new (larger) XML file. Later, I will execute xpath against the new file.


$xmlWriter = new XMLWriter();
$xmlWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');


$doc = new DOMDocument();

foreach($xmlfilenames as $xmlfilename) 
    $fileContents = file_get_contents($xmlfilename);


Well, the resultant (new) xml file is no longer correct since elements are escaped - i.e. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

&lt;LglVeh id=&quot;GLE&quot;&gt;
&lt;AddrLine1&gt;GLEACHER &amp;amp; COMPANY&lt;/AddrLine1&gt;
&lt;AddrLine2&gt;DESCAP DIVISION&lt;/AddrLine2&gt;

Can anyone explain how to take the content from the XML file and write them properly to new file?

I'm burnt on this and I KNOW it'll be something simple I'm missing.

Thanks. Robert


  • See, the problem is that XMLWriter::writeElement is intended to, well, write a complete XML element. That's why it automatically sanitize (replace & with &amp;, for example) the contents of what's been passed to it as the second param.

    One possible solution is to use XMLWriter::writeRaw method instead, as it writes the contents as is - without any sanitizing. Obviously it doesn't validate its inputs, but in your case it does not seem to be a problem (as you're working with already checked source).