I am not familiar with CherryPy and Python, but I need to write a very simple web application that performs login ---> do some commands ---> logout. For login I am using the code in the following link:
the application is:
import cherrypy
import os.path
import struct
from auth import AuthController, require, member_of, name_is
class Server(object):
led_switch=1 #Initial LED on
_cp_config = {
'tools.sessions.on': True,
'tools.auth.on': True
auth = AuthController()
def index(self, switch='', power=''):
if switch:
self.led_switch = int(switch)
if power:
self.led_power = int(power)
html = open('led.html','r').read()
if self.led_switch:
print "ON"
print "OFF"
if self.led_power:
print "Logout"
return html
index.exposed = True
conf = {
'global' : {
'server.socket_host': '', # or specific IP
'server.socket_port': 8080 #server port
'/images': { #images served as static files
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.dir': os.path.abspath('images')
'/favicon.ico': { #favorite icon
'tools.staticfile.on': True,
'tools.staticfile.filename': os.path.abspath("images/bulb.ico")
cherrypy.quickstart(Server(), config=conf)
and the html file is:
<a href="?switch=1"><img src="images/on.png"></a>
<a href="?switch=0"><img src="images/off.png"></a>
<a href="?power=1"><img src="images/Logout.png"></a>
with a folder contain three images.
When I run the application I can see the login page on the localhost with username and password fields, then I can reach to the web page which has three button "ON, OFF, Logout".
The problem is I must click the logout button twice to logout, and when I login again and click on any button even the ON or OFF buttons the page is logout and show me the login page again. I cannot logout in a right way, any help please ?
Try running this code. It calls the AuthController().logout() function.
import cherrypy
import os.path
import struct
from auth import AuthController, require, member_of, name_is
class Server(object):
led_switch=1 #Initial LED on
_cp_config = {
'tools.sessions.on': True,
'tools.auth.on': True
auth = AuthController()
def index(self, switch='', power=''):
if switch:
self.led_switch = int(switch)
if power:
self.led_power = int(power)
html = open('led.html','r').read()
if self.led_switch:
print "ON"
print "OFF"
if self.led_power:
print "Logout"
return html
index.exposed = True
conf = {
'global' : {
'server.socket_host': '', # or specific IP
'server.socket_port': 8080 #server port
'/images': { #images served as static files
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.dir': os.path.abspath('images')
'/favicon.ico': { #favorite icon
'tools.staticfile.on': True,
'tools.staticfile.filename': os.path.abspath("images/bulb.ico")
cherrypy.quickstart(Server(), config=conf)
Hope this helps.