I am updating an old VB6 app. Back in the day, I coded a wrapper around the mciSendString command to be able to record and playback audio. Back then, computers typically had a single audio card.
Now, many of the customers have multiple sound cards (typically a built in one and a USB headset).
I can't seem to find the API to specify which sound card to use with mciSendString. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Microsoft has provided the answer.
To set the WaveAudio device (soundcard) used by the Multimedia Control, you must use the mciSendCommand API. The Multimedia Control does not directly provide a method to let you set the device used for playing or recording.
Dim rc As Long
' Specify the soundcard. This specifies the soundcard with a deviceID
' of 0. If you have a single soundcard, then this will open it. If you
' have multiple soundcards, the deviceIDs will be 0, 1, 2, etc.
parms.wOutput = 0
' Send the MCI command to set the output device.
rc = mciSendCommand(MMControl1.DeviceID, MCI_SET, MCI_WAVE_OUTPUT, parms)