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MapPageRoute() vs. Site's Root Directory Repeatedly Loads Target Resource

I have the following line in Global.asax.cs:

routes.MapPageRoute( "Resorts", "{resortname}", "~/Pages/ViewResort.aspx" );

The intention is to allow a request like:

to load this resource (more or less)

This behavior works fine. However, I'm noticing that ViewResort.aspx is being loaded every time any resource is requested, presumably because my route doesn't contain a literal path segment, like this alternative would:

routes.MapPageRoute( "Resorts", "Resort/{resortname}", "~/Pages/ViewResort.aspx" );

My client is insistent that the only thing after the hostname in the URL be the resort name, so going with the alternate route is not a possibility.

So my question is: is there something special one needs to do to the RouteUrl when it refers to the site's root directory? Failing that, is there a particular pattern that can be implemented on the target page (ViewResort.aspx in this case) to prevent it from being loaded and discarded with each page request?


  • Your route is acting as a catch-all. In situations like this, you'll need to provide specific routes before the catch-all route in order to give the proper responses for those specific routes. In other words, the only routes that should get through to your catch-all are routes that must redirect to Pages/ViewResort.aspx.